As we head into an election year we got a listener question that asks is it even possible to date someone of a different political ideology in today’s climate? What’s the best approach in asking someone’s political affiliation? Does it matter?  Well to help answer that we have political news junkie  Ben Randle who we’ve dubbed our political analyst, to help us answer and dive into that question. We also explore how to navigate dating and hanging out your friends in the same space – it can sometimes be awkward, and anxiety enducing. We also explore the importance of knowing our values, how relationships have either brought out the best or worst in us, and Ben explains how  how relationships are like a democracy.  

Our guest today is Ben Villegas Randle: a New York City theater director, and political enthusiast and news junkie who knows how to explain the most complex political situations and make it digestable for the every day person. IG: benvrdirects

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