It’s time to let our light shine today, and to help us do that it’s life coach and podcast host of Shine on, Sista Jennifer Covington! Jen is a rarity in that she was able to make her long distance relationship work! She shares her journey, and how she had to put herself first. She lays down some important questions you have to ask yourself when in a relationship, and if you’re not sure if you should continue being in one. What are willing to tolerate? She also breaks down the difference between ‘slow fade/fade to black’ and ghosting- which- if any of these, is best? Get ready to walk away feeling empowered as you navigate through relationships as Jen unpacks the lessons she had to learn and how she was finally able to resign as Presdient and member of ‘The Sucker Club’.


Guest: Jennifer Covington (she/her) – she’s is a certified life coach, business strategist and an internationally recognized motivational speaker who helps ambitious, heart-centered soul sisters (and brothers) reach their highest potential by shining their light, turning their passion into profit and going after their dreams every day. She’s been featured in several popular publications such as Wild Sister Magazine, Thrive Global and the Huffington Post. On her podcast Shine on, Sista! you’ll get your weekly dose of motivation, practical strategies and inspiring stories from people who are truly making their dreams come true. She tackles business, metaphysics, spirituality, productivity, profitability, creativity, happiness, travel, success, love, health and social impact. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll get fired up and will be ready to shine on! Website:, IG: @therealjcov

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