Should you get back together with your ex? Have you ever been petty during a breakup? Is your partner a black hole or a binary star? How do you know when to leave? What do you do if your friends boo is cheating on them? We answer all these questions and more with comedian Glorelys Mora fresh out of a three year situationship and has some learning lessons and wisdom to part on to you all! She ultimately walked away from something that was not serving her, but depleting her, and what happened after she put herself first! We chat about why emotional intimacy is more vulnerable than physical intimacy and should be proceeded with caution. Inspired by JLO’s new… art project- we talk about- if you get back together with your ex what the data shows of how often folks do this, and the rate at which they stay together. 

Guest: Glorelys Mora (she/her) –  stand-up comic, actor, writer, & tia. She’s been featured on Netflix is a Joke, Audible’s ‘Michelle Rojas is Not Okay.’ Social Media: @glorelysmora. 

Article on percentage of people who get back together with their ex (from

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