What are the worst professions to date? Brace yourselves as we spill the tea on which careers have us expertly dodging red flags left, right, and center. Curious about the link between career choices and relationship success? Prepare to have your questions answered as we dive deep, shedding light on our own experiences, as well as the data, uncovering the professions with the highest divorce rates and unveiling the hidden warning signs you might encounter along the dating journey. We’re not here to bash anyone’s job title just here to shed light on the potential pitfalls and empower you to navigate the dating scene with confidence and grace! Plus we get honest- were there times when the red flag was US? And everyone talks about setting boundaries- but how do you do it!?!?
Guest: Rene Colvert (she/her):: powerhouse in the world of entertainment, having created shows for some of the biggest platforms including Amazon Studios, Disney +, Headspace, iHeartMedia, Imagine Entertainment, Moonbug Entertainment, SiriusXM, Spotify, and World of Wonder. With a passion for joyful inclusion, Rene brings her unique energy and perspective to every project she touches. For seven years, Rene hosted “Can I Pet Your Dog” podcast, capturing the hearts of listeners with her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering love for our furry friends. A true dog lover at heart, Rene’s motto is simple: if she sees a dog, she’s going to pet it. And don’t underestimate her—she’s pretty sure she can run faster scared than you can mad.
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Host/Producer – James Arthur M. (he/him) @jamesarthurm
Producer/Editor – Sarah Brown (she/her) @sbrownsays
Closing Music – Manny Baltazar (he/him) @mannybalty